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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Score The Killer Domain Name That Will Suck In Visitors To Your Site

You want to build a niche web site that works. You have figured out the topic, found some great keywords and now you need a domain name that really rocks.

Let's pick a domain name!

Please keep the following things in mind:
1) The domain name needs to have your main keyword / phrase in it *exactly* as it is. Example: Your main phrase is "cool widgets". The domain should be something like "the-best-coolwidgets. com" NOT "the-best-widgets.com"

2) Your domain name needs to be very clear on what you are providing. In other words, a benefit statement. You want the domain name to catch the eye of the human reader as well as the search engines. When you read the domain name, it needs to communicate exactly what they can expect when they come to your site, and set them in a positive frame of mind. In other words, they see your domain name, and they say to themselves "Now that looks like a good site. Just what I was looking for", BEFORE they ever get to your site.

You can come up with some unique, strange or otherwise hip domain name for your site, but unless you are terrific at buzz marketing or have lots of money to build a brand you are better off sticking to a domain name that will work right out of the bag.

Since you've already decided on your main keyword phrase,this step should be a fairly easy one to do.

Go to one of the domain register sites to do your selection process. (You can also visit the expired domains sites if you want to check out domain names that have expired. This can be a good resource for ideas on names as well as a place to purchase one. Here are some to check out, expiredwatch.com, expired-domain-names-pro.com, redhotdomainnames.com, expireddomainsleuth.com) We use GoDaddy.com for most of our domain name business, although there are many others to choose from for buying domains. When you arrive at GoDaddy.com you can enter in potential domain names in their search tool and see what is available. They will also give you alternative names to think about buying as well. Try several variations on your keyword phrase in a domain name and see what come up. Stick to .com names if you can. Others such as .info can be cheaper to buy up front but may not return as good of results in the SE's.

ONce you have found a domain name that has your keyword phrase in it and sells your nice in a short catchy name you need to buy it. At domain registrars you are often offered the chance to buy at extra cost privacy for your domain. This means that no one can look up your contact information. This can be useful if you are trying to screen yourself from folks. However it is not essential.

If you already have your hosting set up it can really speed things up in the registration process for a domain name if you can enter you name servers in at the time of purchase. This gets the propagation process moving along and means you can have you site up and running sooner. Just get your name server info from your host and input them in the form at Go Daddy before you finalize the purchase.

Once you have your domain bought and registered it is time to set up your site. It can take a day or so to have your domain name propagate across the net so be patient. That is why the prior step helps out. It can cut down that time till you can see your domain on your browser.

Start getting those pages built and loaded to your site. Now the fun begins as you create content, build links and drive traffic to your website. Big piece of advice here, don't delay in getting content built and loaded up. Even if it is a rough draft. It is better to get the pages up and start the indexing process than to sit back and fuss over the copy till the cows come home. Trust me this is important! Put up each page as soon as you have roughed them out. Then go back and tweak them after you have got 5-10 pages of content created for your site. If you have a mini site then create the entire mini site before you polish the pages to perfection.

Kevin Rockwell runs a successful internet based video and photo business and is one of the White Hat Guys Consulting Group which helps entreprenuers learn how to quickly and easily launch their own profit pulling online business ASAP, on a shoe string budget… that runs on auto-pilot and earns them a an income of which they can be proud! Learn more about their free training program at http://www.whitehatguys.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Rockwell


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

November 10, 2008 at 9:33 PM  

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